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Katie Holmes has curled her bob. It gives it a fun and fresh look.
How to get the look. This look can be achieved with a big barrel curling iron. If your hair is very fine and limp use mousse to style your hair. It will give your hair strength and hold.
Wash your hair with Judaysia VS Volumizing Shampoo. Towel dry. Apply Judaysia Mousse. Comb through. Completely dry your hair.Heat up a large barrel curling iron. Take small sections of hair working from underneath. Take your curling iron and insert the hair inside the clamp starting at the ends and roll it up candle stick toward the scalp.Candle stick means vertical. Be sure you have the ends wrapped smoothly around the barrel. Hold it a few seconds and release the hair. After you have curled all of your hair shake your head gently. Bend your bangs under with the iron. Spray your hair with Judaysia VS Volumizing Shaper  Hairspray Hairdresser In A Can. It is important to use a shaping spray. A wet spray will destroy your curls. If you need more instructions my book Style Your Hair has pictures and step-by step. Judaysia VS Volumizing Shampoo, Judaysia Mousse, Judaysia VS Shaper Spray Hairdresser In A Can Is and her book Style Your Hair are available at www.judaysia.com/products.html

Styling Tip: Practice using your curling iron before you heat it up. This will help you learn how to use it. Take your time and feel comfortable with your tools. Use the low or coolest setting the first time.


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